Random SPW reviews: Dr Gore vs NYC (2015)
It’s been some time since the last random review. This time I dug into the archives to review someone who has been on hiatus for some time. Dr Gore has updated his attire since then, but I kinda dig this simple classic one (just like I prefer the correctional facility version of the Big Boss Man over the SWAT version). On the other hand, NYC is back to his original look after his run as the Blue Nova.
Wrestle the Odds
5 December 2015
Both wrestlers locks-up and exchange holds, but NYC gains the upper hand with some technical maneuvers follow by a dropkick. Dr Gore then puts NYC in a headlock and swings him into the ropes for a shoulder tackle, but NYC no sells it with a kip up. Dr Gore arm drags him but gets put in a headscissors lock. Dr Gore now sissy slaps NYC in frustration, who respond with kicks. The doctor attempts a school boy for two. Both starts running the ropes — NYC jumps into a fireman’s carry but quickly recovers with a great looking rana at 2:58 to cheers.

NYC continues the attack with a baseball slide, and skins the cat. He goes for a soccerball kick but Dr Gore evades to trim him onto the apron. He follows with a backbody drop onto the apron. NYC fights back with a dropkick but Dr Gore trips him during his springboard attempt. The doctor hits a pump handle slam for two. Both starts to go 50-50, before NYC fires up with a handspring enzuigiri. Dr Gore replies with a shoulder tackle but NYC hits 619 to put him to ringside. NYC’s Tope Con Gilo connects. He hits rolling fisherman carry but misses his middle rope moonsault combo attempt. Dr Gore fires back with a clothesline for two. Both starts to exchange blows, and NYC hits a series of enzuigiri while eating a big boot. NYC’s moonsault connects for two. Dr Gore slaps NYC again, and eats another kick. NYC finally goes for the kill with a mean-looking falcon arrow at 9:50, and finishes the Changi hospital resident with the 450.

NYC defeats Dr Gore at 10:13 via pin [***]
It was a good match with smooth execution and nice intensity from both wrestlers. I thought NYC here showed great ability and confidence, which was odd considering his Blue Nova gimmick was usually nervous and error-prone. Dr Gore from then till now is still mostly a brawler/striker-based — I feel he lacks a defining moveset as a singles wrestler, but he has a great gimmick and shines in tag matches with Butcherman as The Horrors. Like I mention before, I’m really looking forward for Dr Gore to be back, which can potentially give rise to multiple storyline options given Butcherman’s rise in SPW.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!