Random SPW reviews: Office Hard Core Match: GM Carl Hella vs Eurasian Dragon (2015)
SPW has a rich video collection of their past events on Youtube—since I only started attending SPW shows in early 2016 I thought it would be good to browse through their collection and review the matches prior to 2016. This can also give me a greater appreciation of how much they have grown since.
Hardcore Wrestling Island
3 July 2015
GM Carl Hella comes out to a mixture of cheers and boos. He is holding a golf club but is quickly confiscated by Ref Sodiq. Eurasian Dragon gets overconfident and offers GM Carl a punch to his face, but GM Carl attempts a running schoolboy pin. Dragon dominates a while before getting hit by a metal tray at ringside. Back in the ring GM Carl brought in a waste paper bin but took too long, allowing Dragon to counter (slight botch at 4:10 as Dragon no-sell a bin attack on his head) and hit GM Carl on his head with the bin at 4:15. Dragon then takes out a whiteboard beneath the ring with ‘GM Sucks!’ written on it, and wedges it at one of the ring corners. His running corner hip attack misses and GM Carl smashes the whiteboard onto Dragon’s back. Leg drop and pin by GM Carl but fast kick out by Dragon. GM Carl does a nice running back elbow at 6:09 and tries to setup a ‘table’ using pails and a noticeboard. Dragon counters and bodyslams GM Carl onto the table at 7:37. Dragon misses another corner attack giving GM Carl the advantage again, who now takes out a pencil sharpener! Dragon counters again and uses the sharpener on one of the GM’s fingers (but no blood so the impact was diminished). GM Carl takes out a keyboard but was countered, letting Dragon smashing it on his head (WATCH THE KEYBOARD EXPLODE) at 11:32. Dragon then takes out a durian (since when durians are readily available in offices?) and hits the GM on his ass and chest, before finishing him with a Russian leg sweep.
Eurasian Dragon defeats GM Carl Hella at 13:02 via pin [**1/2]
It was a fun match to kick start the show, a gimmick match rather than an actual wrestling contest. I thought the script made Dragon look dumb sometimes. sabotaging himself by missing his attacks. It was also a bit too even for my taste—a ‘full-time’ wrestler shouldn’t go 50-50 with a GM.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!