SPW No Guts No Glory Preview
Here we are at the first SPW show of 2020. The legendary Meiko Satomura will be there, plus the excitement of having both men’s singles titles on the line. But I’m most looking forward to the tag team tournament for the vacated titles, especially at a time where SPW has now slowly built themselves up to have a pretty deep roster. It’s a good time for local pro wrestling. So let’s go!
(All images via SPW Facebook page)

Alexis Lee & Luna Inez vs The Coloniser & Boy Toy Mike: This is a continuation of the feud between Alexis and The Coloniser in the previous show, which Alexis got the win after interference from Luna. Despite still being green, Coloniser has a great gimmick to draw heat, but the heat will be for nothing if she keeps getting losses. I like Luna’s energy and commitment, but she is also a work-in-progress, so the match will rely on Alexis’ experience to marshal all four into a good match. I expect nothing but a win for the bad guys this time round, probably with some Boy Toy Mike shenanigans.
Winner: The Coloniser & Boy Toy Mike

Social Misfits (Kyle Black and Hustler Ray) vs Team A.C.E. (Axel and Andros): I finally got the names of the Team A.C.E. members, but am still figuring out which one is ‘Long Pants’ or ‘Short Pants’. Jokes aside, I’m really impressed by the two upstarts so far as they continue their rise in the tag division. Social Misfits has firmly positioned themselves as the ‘Joker’ team in the division — they get into all sorts of mischief but somehow pulls off the occasional upset. This will be a warm-up before their respective matches in the tag team tourney, and will be a clash of different styles, but I expect the technical guys to get this one to continue their momentum.
Winner: Team A.C.E

Tag Team Tourney Match: Alex Cuevas & NYC vs Prince Khaleed & CK Vin: This will be a match between two teams, where the four are teamed up randomly. All four have very sound wrestling skills, and it will likely be a story of the speed of the faces vs the power of the heels. This should be a enjoyable fast-paced match, but I’m most intrigued by how NYC carries himself moving forward, after being unmasked by CK Vin in the last show. If “fake Braun Strowman” Sultan Singh was in I would favour the heels haha.
Winner: Alex Cuevas & NYC

Tag Team Tourney Match: Mighty Dragon Family vs AJ Pyro & Serigala: The second tourney match of the show, this pits our local favourite wrestling family vs two imposing beasts from across the causeway. Mighty Dragon is invoking the Freebird rule, but I think they will give the fans what they want, with Eurasian Dragon and Mighty Mighty representing. While the foreigners have impressed the last time around, I expect our local boys to win with their tag team chemistry as they try to capture the title they never really lost.
Winner: Mighty Dragon Family

South East Asia Championship #1 Contender Match: Trexxus vs Aiden Rex: One of my most anticipated matches of the show, as we finally get to see the proper match between the two veterans, after their match in the last show was interrupted by Team A.C.E. One may think this will be about power vs speed, but I think they may go with something very different, as both are very versatile and can work many styles. It will be hard to predict this one, but I know they will have a go at it to steal the show.
Winner: Aiden Rex

Singapore Championship No DQ Match: Da Butcherman (c) vs Destroyer Dharma: Another highly anticipated match, where we pit the deranged champion (check out his videos with his belt here) against the previous champion who lost his belt by not getting pinned. The DQ rule makes this very enticing — I still remembered the chair (RIP) who got killed by Butcherman in the last show. It will be interesting to see how Dharma performs in a no DQ match, especially he has started to show that he is not just a one-match-type wrestler. This should be a balls to the walls match (while I wonder if Dr Gore will make a return…).
Winner: Destroyer Dharma

South East Asia Championship Match: The Statement Andruew Tang vs JY Eagle: This is for the vacated SEA title which Shaukat had to relinquish after his unfortunate diagnosis. Statement always turns it on in every outing, pitting himself in showcase matches with wrestling greats, but I do feel he is in kinda of a limbo in terms of his next character evolution. We love his ‘Eeeyakkk!’, but he is best in a heelish role. Is he still in good terms with his Onslaught mates? On the other hand, based on what I seen online, JY Eagle is an energetic one, with great selling and has that natural babyface quality. JY Eagle will put on a resilient front, but Statement should heel it up this time round, to claim back his title in a dominant fashion.
Winner: The Statement

Meiko Satomura vs Dash Chisako: While I have seen the legendary Meiko Satomura on the Mae Young Classic as well as on Youtube, I will admit that my knowledge of the Japanese women’s wrestling is still limited. But what I can expect is that they always come to our shores and give an education on wrestling, with their ultra smooth delivery of moves and convincing selling in high-paced matches. Singapore women wrestling still have some way to go, but these moments are times where they should learn and absorb as much as possible. I’ll just go random on this one.
Winner: Meiko Satomura