SPW No Guts No Glory Review (Part I)
I was unable to attend the show due to quarantine order, but it was cool to pass my tickets to friends whom have never attended a SPW show before, and hearing from them it exceeded their expectations.
SPW has announced that they will be putting up their matches on Youtube, uploading one match every Wednesday. My fiance will be joining me on this, so let’s go!
Tag Team Tourney Match: Alex Cuevas & NYC vs Prince Khaleed & CK Vin: CK Vin is out wearing the former-Blue Nova’s mask, what an asshole. CK Vin stomps on the mask and teases to start with NYC, but Khaleed starts instead. The two exchange holds and counters, before tagging their partners. Cuevas issues a test of strength to CK Vin but hilarious moment as CK Vin holds his hand and does a bicep flex (Cuevas giving a ‘no homo’ reaction). Test of strength finally happens as both exchange pin attempts holding onto each other.

NYC tags in but CK Vin hits back with a gut-wrench suplex. CK Vin puts NYC into the ropes and Khaleed gets a cheap shot before tagging in. Khaleed gets in gut stomps but NYC fires back with a spinning heel kick. Both tags out, and the faces hit Tope Con Gilo on the heels. CK Vin gets isolated as Cuevas hits a missile dropkick and the draping apron DDT. He attempts an apron bomb but Khaleed intercepts, and CK Vin dishes a apron AA.

NYC tries to rana Khaleed but falls into a German suplex by CK Vin. The heels then hits Super Collider for a two count. Cuevas counters a top rope powerslam into a rana, as CK Vin receives diving double knees and a moonsault for a two count. Cuevas hits slingblade but Khaleed does an elevated DDT, before NYC hits enzuigiri as all four men are down. The heels take over with a Vindicator and the Middle Eastern slam on NYC but Cuevas breaks the pin (but Cuevas was the active man?). Beautiful dropkicks from Cuevas, hitting one on CK Vin at ringside to put him out.

NYC and Cuevas delivers a 450 and running back elbow respectively to finish Khaleed. Alex Cuevas & NYC defeated Prince Khaleed & CK Vin via pin to advance into the next round [***1/2]
Thomas: They were given plenty of time, and the boys dug in and delivered an entertaining match at a rapid pace. There were some memorable moments between CK Vin and Cuevas, but I was slightly disappointed that there weren’t more CK Vin and NYC interactions, especially when you take into account what happened in the last show. Cuevas and NYC advances, with a potential banger match-up with similar high-flyers in Team A.C.E.
Shik: I feel that NYC is not very expressive, maybe due to him wearing a mask previously. But I think he has potential to improve a lot more. By the way, where was the tagging? It became free-for-all pretty early in the match.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!