SPW No Guts No Glory Review (Part II)
Check out Part I of my review here.
South East Asia Championship #1 Contender Match: Trexxus vs Aiden Rex: Trexxus goes for the attack before the bell rings, but Aiden dumps him out of the ring. Bell rings and Aiden hits Tope Con Gilo. Back in the ring both run ropes before Trexxus hits backbreaker for two. He goes for some groundwork but Aiden reverses into a pin for two. Trexxus foils Aiden’s top rope attempt and performs his surfboard elbow drop for another pin attempt. Aiden fights back with a number of submissions but eats a superkick. Both starts to exchange elbows, and Aiden hits springboard slingblade and tornado DDT for two. Trexxus replies with a suplex but gets put into submissions again. He hit the ropes and goes for his finisher, but Aiden hits knees as both go down. Trexxus hits a beautiful superplex and front backpack stunner for a near fall.

He goes for another finisher attempt but Aiden counters into a rana before eating another superkick. Third attempt succeeds but Aiden touches the ropes. Crowd is on Trexxus’ side as they chant KILL HIM!

Aiden rolls out of the ring but Trexxus decides to show mercy and wait in the ring. Mad mistake. Trexxus tries for another finisher but eats a delicious reverse rana!

Aiden goes for a middle rope shooting star and connects, but Trexxus kicks out for a near fall. He immediately goes for the armbar and Trexxus taps! Aiden Rex defeated Trexxus [****]
Thomas: What a great match. Both played their hits but also incorporated some variations and nice counters to keep the crowd on their toes. I found myself wishing it was longer, for both of them to switch it up to an even higher gear. It was kinda of an upset as Trexxus’ mercy cost him the match, but this works well in the longer run as both can seek for a clean decisive victory over the other. On a side note, I am slightly confused by Trexxus’ actions—he threw the first attack on Aiden in the last show but showed mercy in this match. Aiden’s victory will freshen things up in the main title scene.
Shik: Aiden has improved so much since we saw him in our first show couple of years back, in terms of confidence and stage presence. The match had a good layout as it was believably even. Great match.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!