SPW No Guts No Glory Review (Part III)
Check out Part I of my review here.
Check out Part II of my review here.
Social Misfits (Kyle Black and Hustler Ray) w/ Selina vs Axel and Big Good Jack: Andros is unable to compete, so Big Good Jack is the replacement. Selina is out, and issues a challenge to the faces for a 3-on-2 handicap tag match, which Jack accepts (good guys tend to make such mistakes). Huge brawl starts at the bell, before Jack clears house and tags Axel in. Axel dropkicks Judas but eats a lariat for two. The misfits now isolates Axel in their corner, with rapid tags. Kyle Black DDTs Axel for two. Axel counters a double team attack and tries for a tag, but Hustler Ray and Selina drags Jack to ringside and attack him. Tough day at the office for Ref Ryan. Axel remains isolated but finally counters another double team move with a DDT-enzuigiri combo to Judas and Hustler. Jack tags in and runs wild on the misfits, hitting a belly-to-belly on Black. Judas and Jack starts exchanging blows, before Jack overpowers him. Axel hits a running knee to Black and goes to the top rope, but Black throws a deck of cards at him. The misfits distract Ref Ryan as per usual, as Selina hits rack attack 2.0 on Axel. Black hits tornado DDT on Axel as Axel kicks out of multiple pin attempts. The tag rules are now out as Jack brawls with the rest of the misfits, hitting a nice Ron Simmon-esque spinebuster on Judas.

Black immobilises Jack with his magic wand (wtf) and hits spinning DDT, as Axel finally returns to the ring. Black tries for either a tornado DDT or bulldog but botches big, as Hustler and Judas looks on incredulously haha.

Black hits corner punches on Axel and Hustler blind tags in before Axel fires back with a powerbomb and spinning kick on Black. Axel pins Black as Ref Ryan . Selina distracts Ref Ryan, as Judas piledrivers Axel.

Hustler bookends Axel and the match is over as the misfits draw huge heat from the crowd. Social Misfits defeated Axel and Big Good Jack [**]
Thomas: It was decent, but it went on for way too long—I felt that they could have told the same story in half the time. The crowd was invested, but there were a lot of sloppy and botchy spots that really hurt the match (I thought most of them really gassed out as the match progresses). Social Misfits’ win against a makeshift team makes sense, but they will need to step up in their respective tourney matches next.
Shik: This was the least enjoyable match so far in the show. Also the camera work was quite shaky for parts of the match, gave me motion sickness.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!