SPW No Guts No Glory Review (Part IV)
Check out Part I of my review here.
Check out Part II of my review here.
Check out Part III of my review here.
Coloniser vs Luna lnez: Boy Toy Mike is out in a cast, so this is a singles match between the two. Coloniser attacks at the start of the bell, tossing Luna around. Inez counters with a jawbreaker but the toy boy trips her at the ropes. Coloniser leg drops and Raffles pins for two. Luna fights back and goes for the top rope, but the toy boy distracts her to allow Coloniser to hit a tombstone piledriver.

Luna is out but Coloniser breaks her pin and puts her in the tree of woe. She distracts Ref Ryan as Mike attacks Luna with his crutch. Alexis appears to run wild on Coloniser, as the match is now changed to a triple threat match, with Coloniser losing her SPW contract if she loses.
Coloniser vs Luna lnez vs Alexis Lee: The faces team up and punishes Coloniser. Luna goes for a pin but Alexis wants more. Mike mists both of them with a sanitiser, allowing Coloniser to reply with a double clothesline. Coloniser hits sidewalk slam on Alexis but the hitgirl recovers with chops and knees. She goes for a running knee but Coloniser hits popup powerbomb. Luna is back in and ranas Coloniser but the foreigner replies with another sidewalk slam and a sky high for two. Alexis misses her clothesline and hits Ref Ryan for a ref bump. Alexis eats a tray shot from Coloniser and big boot from Mike, but Luna hits a tray shot on Coloniser and a running knee for the win. Luna Inez defeated Coloniser and Alexis Lee to send the orang merah home [**]

Thomas: It was alright. The match had a simple layout and the ladies executed their moves well, and I like the callback to the tray. But there was something lacking, perhaps in the “oomph” in their moves and strikes. Having the faces teaming up on the heel was logical, but it would have been much better if Coloniser was dominating and winning matches. If the stipulation is true, then the Coloniser experiment was really a failure and a lost opportunity.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!