SPW No Guts No Glory Review (Part VI)
Check out Part I of my review here.
Check out Part II of my review here.
Check out Part III of my review here.
Check out Part IV of my review here.
Check out Part V of my review here.
Tag Team Tourney Match: Mighty Dragon Family vs AJ Pyro & Serigala: Eurasian Dragon and Mighty Mighty is representing the family. AJ Pyro and Dragon exchange chops and tags out. Serigala and Mighty Mighty exchange arm drags, and foreigner starts to pummel Mighty. AJ Pyro tags in for some combination attacks for a two count. Mighty fights back but gets put into an anklelock. The DDT follows and Serigala tags in to foolishly try a scoop slam. Mighty easily counters scoop slams both of them, before tagging Dragon to scoop slam him onto the two for two.

Serigala replies with a great spinebuster and isolates Dragon into their corner.

Multiple tags as AJ Pyro goes for his submission moves and Serigla hits a belly-to-belly suplex for two. Miscommunication happens and Mighty finally tags in to run wild on the two with a sidewalk slam and suplex. AJ tries another ankle lock but Mighty Dragon hits a como of Hart attack, wheelbarrow splash and Mighty’s splash. Mighty goes for a pin but Dragon is the active man, allowing Serigala to break the pin. The pace quickens as Serigala missile dropkicks Mighty, Dragon hits a German suplex on Serigala. Dragon immediately eats a spear from Pyro, and the latter eats a stunner from Mighty.

All four are down on the ring as Ref Sodiq starts the countout. Eurasian Dragon and Mighty Mighty puts the foreigners in a half crab but the holds get broken easily. AJ Pyro and Serigala hit drop kicks on Mighty Mighty and a double gorilla press slam on Eurasian Dragon, but Mighty Mighty recovers to put Serigala out of the ring with a clothesline. Eurasian Dragon hit his Russian leg sweep on AJ Pyro out-of-nowhere. The Dragonforce powerbomb follows and AJ Pyro is done. Mighty Dragon defeated AJ Pyro & Serigala to advance into the next round [***1/2]
A tag team match in the most traditional sense, with both teams working at a great tempo and sticking to the tag rules which I really appreciate (no sudden tornado style a la Social Misfits). It was great to see Eurasian Dragon back working in tandem with Mighty Mighty, as the latter was in kind of a limbo during his departure. The ending was kinda abrupt but overall really good match. I would say watch this and the Alex Cuevas & NYC vs Prince Khaleed & CK Vin match to appreciate the different styles that tag matches can offer.
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!