My thoughts on the current SPW roster, Part 2

Check out my Part 1 review here.

For this part I will cover the tag team division, which is well stacked currently with teams of various personalities that SPW can work around with.

Once again these views are purely my opinion, so here we go…

(All images via SPW Facebook page)

The Horrors: A doctor from Changi Hospital and a psycho butcherman is probably a match made in heaven (or hell). Both are have similar styles—Dr Gore is a striker primarily relying on kicks, while Da Butcherman is more of a brawler with some unique moves (he does an awesome slingshot spear).

Throughout the shows this unhinged duo has produced many good performances against the foreign teams. I think they are a well-rounded team with a good balance of character gimmick and stiffness to their moves, and you can feel the camaraderie between the two. They are currently in a feud with Onslaught which will accumulate at Ladies Night (the main event?), so you can tell the organisation well behind them.

Overall: An essential team for SPW that can only be better with time. Once the feud between Mighty Dragon and Power Ranger/GM Carl is done, I hope the Horrors can get into the title scene. 

Mighty Dragon: After a great stint with Black Arrow, it was a seamless transition for Mighty Mighty to team up with veteran The Eurasian Dragon, with their great chemistry apparent in all their matches so far. With their happy-go-lucky and underdog-ish nature, they are always a hit with the crowd especially with the kids. From what I saw in the shows I’ve attended so far they are the most over team in SPW.

Both have great individual and team move sets which are well-suited for their physique—Mighty Mighty’s banzai drop elicit the loudest SIT ON HIM cheers while Eurasian Dragon deliver safe but power moves on his opponents. But to me the best thing about them is they work a match in a very natural manner, so it’s either they rehearse well or they improvise when required. For example in the last show Mighty Mighty’s shoe came off and it was used in the match for comedic effect (no DQ?).

Overall: Mighty Dragon will, and should be a mainstay in the division for now. On a side note, can someone tell Mighty Mighty to have more fitting pants?

Current SPW Tag Team Champions Power Warrior and GM Carl Hella: A team conveniently formed by GM Carl Hella to screw Mighty Dragon for the tag titles in the last show. I’ve covered Power Warrior in my last post—for GM Carl it was my first time watching him in a match in the last show and I would say he functions more effectively as in a manager role. They are a lightweight team compared to the other teams, so they will need incorporate more elements (more team-based moves, getting an enforcer) outside of their shenanigans to construct a believable defense of their titles.

I mentioned in my last post that I’m not sure whether they are transitional champions or will continue to be in the feud with Mighty Dragon over the titles. Eurasian Dragon’s girlfriend Jane Foo has since issued a challenge to GM Carl on Ladies Night, so we will likely see an inter-gender match rather than a match for the tag titles. On well.

Overall: Until they work on their wrestling skills and teamwork I think they will need alot of smoke and mirrors to have memorable matches moving forward, if this team is to stick around.

Onslaught: Suffice to say, Onslaught is SPW’s super team, with two ex South East Asian champions in “The Statement” Andruew Tang and Trexxus, and a huge enforcer in Destroyer Dharma. Andruew is the co-founder of SPW and has extensive experience in the region since the organisation’s formation. Trexxus is another mainstay veteran that puts in top performances everytime (his chairs match with Russian Ivan “The Locomotive” Markov remains my favourite match). By comparison, Mr Singapore 2016 Dharma is relatively new but already has great ring presence coupled with his power move-sets.

With the South East Asian title currently with Russian Ivan “The Locomotive” Markov, Onslaught has become a regular team to face foreign guest tag teams for the main events, rather than challenging for the tag team titles. This is for the best as their combined experience and ripped physiques put them miles ahead of the other teams. Let the other teams continue to gain more experience, since the division is healthily stacked.

Overall: Until the South East Asian title returns home, Onslaught will be around for quite a while. Hopefully the title returns soon—my fantasy booking would be an Onslaught civil war, climaxing with a triple threat between these three heavyweights for the title. That would be amazing!

That’s all for now, thanks for reading!