SPW Atonement Preview
Looking forward to the second show of this year as several extended feuds reach their conclusions. There’s only five matches billed so far but we should see a couple more. So let’s go!
(All images via SPW Facebook page)

Singapore Championship match: Aiden Rex (c) vs The Arsenal Affi: Aiden Rex has improved tremendously and has been a very credible champion for a long time (almost two years I believe?) with an impressive winning streak thus far, but I think it’s about time to freshen up the mid-card scene with a title change. The match has the potential to be a banger as both are seasoned technically-sound wrestlers that can adopt various match layouts, be it the big-guy-small-guy layout, technical ground-based wrestling or a hard-hitting high flying show.
Winner: The Arsenal Affi

Destroyer Dharma vs Mighty Mighty: I’ve been getting my prediction wrong every-time when it comes to this feud, so maybe it’s time for me to pick the bad guys. In any case, there isn’t much build to this match as compared to the other matches (plus Dharma is a BEAST), so I don’t see the match as the one to conclude this years-long feud —the feud should end with the faces finally winning with all of the Mighty Dragon family reunited!
Winner: Destroyer Dharma

Southeast Asian Tag Team Championship match: GM Carl Hella and Power Warrior (c) vs The Horrors: I’ve said a lot about my admiration for the Horrors —it’s really about time that the tag titles switch from a comedy heel duo to a more legitimate team. The champions have tried to even the odds with a sneak attack on the challengers, however the Horrors should win it for a feel-good moment on the show.
Winner: The Horrors

Queen of Asia Championship match: Riho (c) vs Alexis Lee vs Crystal: It was nice to have Riho holding the title so far, which I thought added prestige to the title, but with her signing a five-show deal with AEW (all the best to her!), we should be looking at a title change. Alexis Lee functions best as an babyface chasing for the title, so Crystal should win it to extend the feud through the rest of the year.
Winner: Crystal

Southeast Asia Championship match: Lokomotiv (c) vs The Statement vs Trexxus vs Jake De Leon: Locomotive no-showed the last match due to some travelling issues, which Jake De Leon capably stood in to deliver an entertaining match which ended without a clear outcome. As a result this match will settle the title situation once and for all. Same as my previous comment, SPW’s top championship belt needs to be within our shores, to free up the top guys from exhibition tag matches and push some of the singles wrestlers into the scene such as Dharma, Mighty. Statement has been in face/tweener mode for a while (there is a lack of heels currently, where the top heels now are the GM and Power Warrior) so I think it would be good for him to win the title and return to be the top heel in SPW.
Winner: The Statement
That’s all for now, thanks for reading!